Radio 270

In the sixties of last century I listened to a lot of radiostations and recorded their programmes. There was one regional station which came in reasonable well in Groningen, Netherlands – which was and still is my hometown. The station which is a sensation, some people said. There was something special. On one side they wanted to be very professional, on the other side there was a glamorous amateurship. I tried to listen one or twice a week and saw that Dutch newspapers didn’t publish that much on the station. However through the years I found out I wasn’t the only one in the Netherlands who listened to the station. Also later many radio friends in England told me about the station. Now, many decades later, I want to share my memorable with you. I want to thank Dick van Schenk Brill, Edward Waterson, Peter Ashcroft and Paul Rusling for sharing our love for Radio 270.  



First announcement in October 1965




The arrival in Scarborough harbour on February 25th 1966


The rebuilding of a Scheveningen fishing vessel into a radio ship in Scarborough March 1966.

Proposed reception area



Look out for April 1st 1966


Mast came down in April 1966




Letter stating the ship was still in harbour April 15th 1966



Letter to listener in the Netherlands



Indeed, still in harbour



Letters went out often from the office



Andy Kirk, Leon Tippler and Dennis Straney ready for trip to the radio ship



Photo taken in front




Promotion for the station


Report about a storm June 1966




Drawing of the ship



Station with the sensation



Chairman Leonard Dale


Promotion for the station






Towing of the Oceaan 7 June 1966


Campaign stations against proposed ban of the offshore radio July 1966

Mike Baron opening the mail


Proudfoot talks July 1966



Membership later autumn 1966



Sails on



Proposed campaign against ban


Radio 270 aerial mast





Newspaper about life boat interfering October 27th 1966



Entertainment Promoter Don Robinson



Some colour photos of the ship



An Ultimatum from deejays to the owner after storm in November 1966



Tuning up the transmitter



Long letter to Radio 270 club members in April 1967




Mike Hayes on air



MP about Pirates May 1967



Paul Burnett



More power in May 1967



Deejays and technicians on deck




MP defends political talking May 1967



Found back after years in bad condition



Pete ‘Boots’ Bowman




Paul Kramer from Caroline North to Radio 270 June 1967


Paul Kramer



Relaxing in messroom





Oceaan 7 in better days



Noel Miller



Court case cause trip lasted too short July 1967




Ross Randell



Praying against the law?



Newspaper reports about the closure Radio 270 due to MOA


Just before and after the final closedown there was some late entertainment



Investigation RAF flight to pirate radio ship August 18th 1967



Radio Ship Up for sale August 1967



From presumable September 1967 is this letter and advert in which former listeners are asked for a combined membership for the Big L 270 Fan Club




270 vessel for sale



Ship still for sale in February 1968



No sale to Caroline



November 1989 was the month a part of the former mast from the Ocean 7 was recovered by fishermen after 23 years in the North sea.



Even in 1993 a listeners from the sixties revealed his memories



Thanks letter Bob Snyder 2000




(c) Hans Knot 2008